HSG and Healthix’s 2023 Innovations in Value-Based Care Conference occurred on September 27, 2023. Given the accelerated pace of adoption of value-based care models, the focus on health equity, health-related social needs/determinants of health, and the coming additional federal investment in New York’s delivery system, the conference offered tremendous opportunities to learn from our experts and leaders in the field. They shared their insights and participated in dialogues that are currently reshaping the healthcare ecosystem.
Conference Agenda
Amanda Lothrop, Medicaid Chief Operating Officer, New York State Department of Health
The adoption of value-based care continues to expand in both breadth and depth across the country, across all lines of business and sectors within health care. While progress is faster in some areas than others, there is much to be learned from the myriad efforts in markets across the country. This panel will highlight some of the most innovative value based models and approaches being pioneered across the country and what those at the cutting edge think might be coming next.
Jason Helgerson, Former New York State Medicaid Director & Chief Executive Officer, Helgerson Solutions Group (Moderator)
Glen Moller, CEO, Upward Health
Judy Kang, SVP of Delivery Engagement Systems, Healthfirst
Thomas Novak, Medicaid Interoperability Lead, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Dr. Amit Shah, Senior Partner, New York, McKinsey & Company
Being successful in value based arrangements necessitates timely, comprehensive, and accurate data to light the path towards improved clinical outcomes, lower costs, and a better patient experience, in ways simply not required in the traditional fee-for-service environment. This panel will explore the true value of data in the value based ecosystem and how cutting-edge approaches and technologies are delivering the data providers, payers, and patients need at the right time, in the right setting.
Gregory S. Allen, Senior Advisor, Innovative Care and Financial Models, Helgerson Solutions Group (Moderator)
Sara Pesko, Sr. Product Manager, Verato
Lou LaRocca, President & CEO, J2 Interactive, LLC
Don Woodlock, Vice President, Healthcare Solutions, InterSystems
Dan Brillman, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, UNITE US
Don Rucker, Chief Strategy Officer, 1upHealth & former National Coordinator at Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), 1up Health
Keynote Remarks by Jonathan Bush, Founder, Zus Health & Former CEO of Athenahealth
The promise of investment in the social determinants of health has been great, but besides the buzzwords and hype, this panel will explore what’s happening in communities across the country to address the non-medical drivers of health--what's working, what's not, and what might be wrong with our approach? Panelists will share results from work being done and their hopes for where the field is going next.
Juliette Price, Chief Solutions Officer, Helgerson Solutions Group (Moderator)
Joseph Conte, Executive Director, Staten Island Performing Provider System
Zachariah Hennessey, Executive Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer, Public Health Solutions
Johanne Morne, Deputy Commissioner, Health Equity & Human Rights, NYS Department of Health
Mark Taylor, Senior Director of Product Strategy, Ready Computing
Ruth-Ann Norton, President & CEO, Green & Health Homes Initiative
Naomi Harris Tolson, Vice President, Health Innovation, Housing Works Community Healthcare
A cornerstone of the success of value based care will be the engagement of physicians in new and different ways than before--simply put, value based care without value based physicians won't succeed. This panel will explore why and how physician engagement looks in value based care arrangements and what else might we want to be thinking about for the future of the profession.
Dr. Richard Park, Co-founder & Managing Partner, Ascend Partners (Moderator)
Dr. Amer Alnajar, Chief Medical Officer & Co-founder, Vytalize Health
Dr. Susan Beane, MD, Executive Medical Director, Partnerships for Medical Outcomes, Healthfirst
Nick Youngstrom, Chief Financial Officer, SOMOS Innovation